Thursday, December 9, 2010


Friday, December 10th is the last day students will be given time in class to research and write about their explorer. Students have some books and an encyclopedia set available to use in class. Students should be already writing their reports and be in the process of editing. Students will also be given 45 minutes in the computer lab to do more research or use the computer to type out their report.

ALL REPORTS ARE DUE BY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15th. Oral reports will start on Monday for those who volunteer to go early. Those who volunteer to go early on Monday or Tuesday earn an extra 10 points on their oral report.

Here is the rubric describing how they will be graded:

Written Report:
1. Title Page 5 pts
2. Preferred Length 10 pts
3. Describes early life, major voyages, accomplishments 30 points
4. Student Made map 20 pts
5. Bibliography 10 pts
6. Spelling 10 pts
7. Grammar, Punctuation 10 pts
8. Neatness 5 pts

Oral Report:
1. Time 2-3 minutes 10pts
2. In Costume 10 pts
3. First person 30 pts
4. Memorized/Practiced 20 pts
5. Basic knowledge shown 20 points
6. Explained, incorporated map 10 points
** Extra 10 points available if you give your presentation on Monday or Tuesday!

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