This week we are working on the energy of sound. An email has also gone out with two attachments to help students study sound. Students need to focus on and study the following on sound:
What happens to a sound as the vibrations of an object increase in strength?
A. The sound becomes louder.
B. The sound becomes softer.
C. The sound waves get further apart.
D. The pitch of the sound is higher.
Use the table to answer the next two questions.
Sound Decibel Level Effect
Jet airplane taking off 160 Damage to hearing
Chain saw 110
Hair dryer 90 Annoying
Ringing telephone 80
Normal conversation 60 Acceptable
Which of the following might damage hearing?
A. hair dryer
B. conversation
C. ringing telephone
D. chain saw
Which of the following would be annoying but not damaging to hearing?
A. whisper at 30 decibels
B. vacuum cleaner at 75 decibels
C. power lawn mower at 90 decibels
D. personal cassette player on high at 112 decibels
What would you do to lower the pitch of a string on a violin?
A. Pluck the string very lightly.
B. Shorten the string.
C. Loosen the string.
D. Use a thinner string.
What would you do to increase the intensity of the sound that a drum makes?
A. Tap the drum harder.
B. Loosen the drum head.
C. Tighten the drum head.
D. Make the drum head out of a thicker material.
Which of the following would be most likely to cause hearing loss?
A. burglar alarm
B. a dog whistle
C. a jet plane taking off
D. a symphony concert
What causes an echo?
A. Sound waves are absorbed by an object.
B. Sound waves are transmitted through an object.
C. Sound waves are reflected off an object.
D. Sound waves completely disappear.
What would happen if you increased the frequency of a sound?
A. The sound would get louder.
B. The sound would get softer.
C. The sound would be higher in pitch.
D. The sound would be lower in pitch.
What would happen if you increased the intensity of a sound?
A. The sound would get louder.
B. The sound would get softer.
C. The sound would be higher.
D. The sound would be lower.
Essay Questions:
How could a guitar be made to make a louder sound?
What could Whitney do to her drum if she wanted to raise the pitch of the sound her drum makes?
Explain how the size and shape of a sound source affect the pitch of a sound. Give two examples to support your idea.
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