Monday, April 18, 2011


Here are some sites that are very helpful while reviewing microorganisms: This is the state site with a literacy reading, vocabulary, lessons, and assessments. This site gives specifics of all the types of microorganisms, pictures, good and bad types and various facts that are necessary to know for the state test.  There are also games available. Use the following review to navigate the site.

2.     You will be reviewing the different microorganisms you have learned about.  Answer questions after you have read each section.
1.     List some places bacteria can live. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2.     Draw and label the example bacteria shown.

3.     What is at the center of the bacteria structure? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4.     How does a bacteria move around, what does it have to help it move? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5.     What type of bacteria cause disease? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6.     Click on the yellow activity icon.  List three good bacteria and 3 bad bacteria.
______________________________________        ______________________________________
______________________________________        ______________________________________
______________________________________        ______________________________________
1.     What do protozoa feed on? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2.     Draw and label the example protozoa.

3.     What are some sources of infection from protozoa? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4.     List three protozoa infections, their symptoms, and preventions.

1.     Describe the important role of molds in nature, what purpose do they serve?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2.      Tell two common ways in which fungi are beneficial to you.
3.  What can mold look like and how is it spread around? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4.  What symptoms can show that you are sick from mold? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5.  Draw the two structures for mold.

 6.  Click on the yellow activity icon and guess which fungi are good, bad, or both.

Students need to be able to identify by description or picture; bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and virus.  They should be able to also list good and bad examples of each.

Lastly, students need to be familiar with the scientists who pioneered the use of the microscope and how to control microorganisms in the use of vaccines and modern day anti-biotics.

Biology Microscope                                                               
Internet Activity                                                      
Founding Fathers of Microscopy
______ and Zacharias _________, ~1590, _________ Eyeglass Makers
*   Credit for the first ______________ is usually given to ______________ Janssen, pictured at the left, in Middleburg, Holland, around the year _________.
*  The magnification of these early scopes ranged from ____ to ____, depending on the size of the ______________ openings

Robert ___________, 1635-1703, ____________ Chemist, Mathematician, Physicist
In _________________ (1665), he coined the word _______ to describe the features of plant tissue (_________ from the bark of an ________ tree) he was able to discover under the _______________.

Anton ______ ________________, _________ - _________
Leeuwenhoek made simple (_____ ______) microscopes. He was not the first person to build a microscope, but the microscopes that he did build were the ________ ones for that time period. __________________ was the first person to describe ____________ (from ________ scrapings), _______________ (from pond water), helped to prove the theory of __________ ___________.

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